May 26

Liquid Routines

dVerse, Free Verse, Photos, poems, Poetics, Poetry


Hello everyone;

I did say "haphazardly" participating in the April PAD Challenge. This is why day one is being posted after day two.
Day 1  prompt of "write an optimistic poem"

Not Dead Yet, Me

Is it really such a tragedy

that my sentences are raggedy

words tread together by similarity?

The conversation is still defiantly

expressions of me.

Is it really such a travesty 

that I wander aimlessly?

When I can travel through time so easily

…our life history

…a life lived outrageously.

Is it really such a disparity

that I have forgotten the melody

of your name? Still there’s some clarity….

I know the feelings of family

and passions intensity. 

Is it really such an indignity

that something once familiar is now a novelty.

Or that simple tasks escape me.

I still dance to life’s jamboree

and sing majestically.

Is it really such a finality

even as I become more absentee?

There is plenty of life in my legacy.

Don’t bother writing my eulogy,

when there’s still time to create a memory.

©2024 Delaina Miller

Liquid Routines

It starts early
a splash of cold water
on sleep heavy eyes.

Threading a sleep conscious
body through doorways
until a hand lands
on the now illuminated kettle switch.

Waiting, icy water pours into a glass
because someone once said
H3O was better than H2O
and that chilling the water would change
the molecular construction.

Who comes up with stuff like this
or maybe who is the nut job
giving herself brain freeze
at 5 am that believes it’s for her better good?

The kettle pops, the steam carries
the dry, bitter, earthy scent of black tea
as it rises from the Brown Betty pot.
Awe. Good. Morning.

The dry rituals of exercise
and mediation complete
hot shower water falls
on the flesh like a gentle rain
if rain was hot.

A cup of coffee after breakfast
but only with honey and cream
to cut the bitter down.

Remember seven glasses of water
keeps the skin glowing and fresh.
Beside it’s easier to justify the next
two pots of tea.

Dinnertime warrants a change
from tea to wine. I like mine
a complex deep red in the winter
and jewel toned in the summer.
Awe. Good. Evening.

Gabriella is having us write about the beauty of everyday routines at the dVerse pub for Poetics. Come join us.

About the author

Creator of sounds. Poet on an energetic journey with words. Explorer of Frequencies.


Delaina J Miller

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  • Love this response to the prompt. Yes, our liquids are an important part of every day. I’m waiting for the second pot of coffee to brew right now because I didn’t get my usual share of the first. Peace, Linda

  • Ah.. yes.. the awe of the breakfast ritual.. measure down
    to the omelet truth.. but wait thERE are no eggs..
    in story.. true.. but i am dreaming the
    eggs are scrambled
    in a mind a like
    that is

  • I always take tea for breakfast and then a cup of coffee directly after if I have time… I like your focus on the liquids.

  • nice… i like my coffee bitter as it is…no sugar – no milk… and i usually drink my water lukewarm.. i heard the japanese do as well..maybe i have some japanese genes in me..smiles

    • Thanks Claudia! I will let you have your coffee bitter. 🙂 Honestly I do prefer my water room temp. Rock those Japanese Genes!

  • I enjoyed reading your liquid ritual. What I found interesting is that you had tea before (or with) breakfast & then coffee afterwards! I also found it interesting that you changed the color of wine from one season to another. We definitely are creatures of habit when it comes to our liquids, aren’t we?

    • Thank you Mary;

      I be honest our morning rituals are not quite like this but our liquid intakes are pretty similar. We have tea with breakfast and coffee later as a snack. 🙂

  • I enjoyed this very much, the tone and the subject matter – including the last liquid even though my own preference goes to a crisp Sauvignon or a Chablis. Some of our routines are just that rituals.

    • Thank you Gabriella! I can enjoy a white every now and then but then I go for Pinot Grigios. . Thank you again for tending the pub.

  • Does the coffee count in my water intake? There is water in it, right? Ha.
    Without water we would not get very far. I might settle for some tea.
    and a brown ale or stout

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