August 27

Five Words Changing My Life

Soul Vibrations, Soundology


Hello everyone;

I did say "haphazardly" participating in the April PAD Challenge. This is why day one is being posted after day two.
Day 1  prompt of "write an optimistic poem"

Not Dead Yet, Me

Is it really such a tragedy

that my sentences are raggedy

words tread together by similarity?

The conversation is still defiantly

expressions of me.

Is it really such a travesty 

that I wander aimlessly?

When I can travel through time so easily

…our life history

…a life lived outrageously.

Is it really such a disparity

that I have forgotten the melody

of your name? Still there’s some clarity….

I know the feelings of family

and passions intensity. 

Is it really such an indignity

that something once familiar is now a novelty.

Or that simple tasks escape me.

I still dance to life’s jamboree

and sing majestically.

Is it really such a finality

even as I become more absentee?

There is plenty of life in my legacy.

Don’t bother writing my eulogy,

when there’s still time to create a memory.

©2024 Delaina Miller


There are five words changing my perspective and life right now. Those five words are “in my life right now.”

And they are in my life right now for good reason. They keep me in the now. And remind me everything is just now that’s not how it’s always going to be. It is just now.

Right Now this is my awareness but in a half an hour I will have a new awareness. And awareness is a stepping stone to consciousness. To me awareness is the space between a thought and consciousness.

Here is how I understand our human processor working: we have a thought, the thought sparks a feeling, that feeling brings awareness of what the thought brought up and creates a new feeling. This new feeling is awareness. As we keep playing in the thought-feeling-awareness process we quantum leap into consciousness. But what creates the quantum leap?

This is again where In My Life Right Now, help us. Because the words are not just right now. In My Life Right Now is the leap into consciousness. In My Life Right Now draws attention to what we see and observe. And although seeing and observing are not quite the same In My Life Right Now helps us bridge the gap. They help us not only take inventory on what we see in our outer world (physical and outside of us) but also observe our thoughts becoming things.

Observation is magic in and of itself. By being the observer we be and do so many things. We create space between us and what we see. This space allows a different perception of what we are witnessing — giving us perspective. Perspective, allows us to detach from the thought-feeling-awareness paradigm enough that we can observe from a state of being in nothingness.

Nothingness is mute. In the sense that we are not triggered by emotions. We actually create more space for something else to come through. That ‘something else,’ comes from the Quantum Field or Realm which is the everything particularly Oneness or Presence. 

When we are conscious of Presence we are in our power. This is where we control our world because we control our mind (not someone else’s directly), and where we Quantum Leap though consciousness to our knowing Presence.

There is more but let’s let the cosmic dust settle before we talk about our place in the Presence.

In My Life Right Now. These five words are a mantra singing us back to our soul. These five words hold magic within them because they bring with them a consciousness of Presence.

Thank you for being in my life and raising vibrations with me.

In love, light, and sound,


Play in the energy of Soundology with me:

Weekly Mantra 

Quantum Riff Playlist 

I will be live on Insight Timer Wednesday to Quantum Chill. Join me, at 7pm CT.

Journey deep within
to your personal tranquility.

Music Memberships ⤵️

About the author

Creator of sounds. Poet on an energetic journey with words. Explorer of Frequencies.


Delaina J Miller

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