June 13

Spiritual Journey – Shamanic Journey – Drumming by Laura Inserra



Hello everyone;

I did say "haphazardly" participating in the April PAD Challenge. This is why day one is being posted after day two.
Day 1  prompt of "write an optimistic poem"

Not Dead Yet, Me

Is it really such a tragedy

that my sentences are raggedy

words tread together by similarity?

The conversation is still defiantly

expressions of me.

Is it really such a travesty 

that I wander aimlessly?

When I can travel through time so easily

…our life history

…a life lived outrageously.

Is it really such a disparity

that I have forgotten the melody

of your name? Still there’s some clarity….

I know the feelings of family

and passions intensity. 

Is it really such an indignity

that something once familiar is now a novelty.

Or that simple tasks escape me.

I still dance to life’s jamboree

and sing majestically.

Is it really such a finality

even as I become more absentee?

There is plenty of life in my legacy.

Don’t bother writing my eulogy,

when there’s still time to create a memory.

©2024 Delaina Miller

A Spiritual Journey

Life is a spiritual journey but some moments we are gifted experiences that really resonate deep. This is one of them.

I am taking music classes form Laura Inserra and they truly are gifts more than classes. And at the same time I am learning so much about myself. A couple of weeks ago the class was about Shamanic Drumming and Journeys. Part of the class was that Laura took us on a Shamanic Journey and my perspective of me, my life, and my role/purpose has expanded greatly.

There are so many meanings and messages that came through for me. I don’t want to create too many stories about the experience. I want the experience to remain organic and evolving. But one message I did understand is that my experience with the darkness of depression that I have experienced in this life time makes me a stronger guide/facilitator for others.

I’m not holding anything back from you. I want to share my journey with you. So here is my experience:

Here is the story of my Shamanic Drumming Journey (Drumming by Laura Inserra)

I found myself at the edge of a forest. Tree branches canopy along the left hand side, a river flowing on my right. I was greeted by a red fox, that I have seen before in other meditations. She is just as radiant as ever.

I ask if she has a message for me or if she would like to show me something. She nods and begins walking along the river on the forest side. I notice the sounds the earth under our feet, of the river, the breeze. I can smell the forest rich with pine and smoke. The fox seems happy to walk in silence. So am I. I feel very relaxed and at home. We walk for a bit more and I ask without thinking, “Will we see the owl?” The fox only pauses long enough to nod us down the river.

Then the fox paused and looked up. I followed her gaze and saw an owl. As I did night fell and the owl looked a me then looked down the river. I followed the owls gaze and saw a large full moon through the branches. My breath caught a little at the beauty. But the fox was moving again. I looked back to see the owl was gone. And knew this journey was for me and the fox to share.

I glance at the river to see the moonlight illuminating it causing our path to be more defined and lit-up. The fox could sense my joy of the light in the river and had stopped to wait for me. I hadn’t realized I had stopped walking. The fox allowed its eyes to soften as if it was smiling and perhaps it was. I felt like I was smiling and so happy, blissfully actually. Blissful. The fox and I stood for a moment enjoying the beauty. Then the fox began to move again and I followed full of bliss, excitement and curiosity.

We journeyed a bit more. The sound of water was getting louder and tree branches made it hard for me to see too far in front of me. Then the trees receded and we came to an opening. The river fell away over the edge and the moon seemed to fill the horizon. I gasped at the beauty of it all.

The fox sat, so I sat next to it and we just were. I’m not sure if we talked. I feel like we just listened and shared the moon. Then the fox messaged “it’s time”.  We both stood and walked deeper into the forest. I could sense the energy of people. I paused and then I felt welcome. The fox took me to a large fire. I wasn’t cold but the fire still felt good. And the smell was so perfect. I felt my breathing slow even more as I took in deep breaths.

We moved inward a bit more. The fox stopped and looked down. There was a blanket and we both lied down, me on my back. The tree opened up in a circle causing a round opening to the sky the stars were so bright. And as I watched they seemed to move across the heavens at such a speed it was like watching a recorded time lapse. They arched and spun above us. I felt their movement and the movement of the world, contrasted with my stillness beautifully. I started to ask a question, but the drum started to beat rapidly and just like that the whole scene faded away along with my question. 

Light is everywhere in all things. When we look for light we find it.

Thank you for letting me share this with you.

In love, light, and sound,

About the author

Creator of sounds. Poet on an energetic journey with words. Explorer of Frequencies.


Delaina J Miller

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